Sunday, January 07, 2007

MeMe: 6 weird things about me

tagged by mum

  • All my novels are arranged in alphabetical order by author, and have been for as long as I've had enough to warrant having a bookcase (since I was about 8 I think). Non-Fiction is arranged by genre. DVD's and CD's are also in alphabetical order. This is genetic, my mum has always done it, and her dad was a librarian. Mum takes it to the extreme of having multiple bookcases devoted to different genres. When we lived together it was not unusual to get a phone call from her at the book store asking me to go to the 2nd fantasy bookcase and look under such and such author to see what she was missing in a set. To me it makes perfect sense to arrange my books this way, I have enough of them that to not have some kind of system seems silly, otherwise how would I find what I want? Once you organise one collection in this way (books), it is a natural progression to do it with others. Yet people continue to find it amusing that I alphabetize stuff, so I put it forward as being a weird trait of mine. You be the judge.
  • I carry on conversations with animals, including voicing what I believe must be going through their heads.
  • If I am transporting a teddy bear or similar, I will avoid covering its face, especially with plastic, as it could suffocate.
  • I count how far into something I am and work out what percentage is left, for example I am up to page x so I am halfway through the book. I was annoyed when I replaced my old dvd player because you could switch the display on it from how many minutes had elapsed to how many left. No other player I've seen has had that function. If there were more people like me around, that would be a standard feature.
  • I sing in the shower, especially if I know I'm home alone. Gotta love those bathroom acoustics. I also sing in the car, or wherever else I happen to be.
  • I am disturbingly like my mum in all my eccentricities, except possibly the shower one. Haven't caught her at that, but I know she sings everywhere else.

I don't know 6 people with blogs who haven't already done this so I'm just gonna tag Nat, and Chris and anyone else who feels like it can put theirs as a comment


catsmum said...

I forgot about the talking to animals one and the not-suffocating-bears one!
I think I need to write another 6 things.
I'm still trying to work out a better place to store the teds till next Christmas without them suffocating in that trunk.

catsmum said...

and no ... I don't sing in the shower

Anonymous said...

I would put up my own list, but everything I do seems normal to me. You would be in a better position to single out (but keep down to a list of three :p) weird things about me. Singing in the shower isn't weird, is it?

Anonymous said...

By three I of course meant six. My finger must have slipped on the keypad and hit the three button instead of the six. Happens.

Nadie said...

you're weird.

catsmum said...

if you're not going to Blog more regularly, at least ring your mother occasionally okay?
btw I learnt how to milk a goat today... very different from milking a cow.
oh and Robyn invented a totally yummy slice just for you that is completely nadie friendly. She even wrote the recipe down for you. I was supposed to bring some home but it's now in her freezer.