Monday, December 11, 2006


Well my house mate and I have sat down and had a good chat, sorted our issues out. She apologised profusely for her behaviour last week and admitted that she had been avoiding me since then out of embarrassment. She also said that she had been thinking about the whole smoking thing from my perspective and realises that her smoking in her room is to me what someone else smoking pot in her house would be to her, not to mention the reaction if the landlord or real estate agent found out. She has assured me that it will not happen again. We have also sorted out the housework. We figured out that she really hates doing bathrooms, while my most hated task is vacuuming because it puts my back out. Wish we'd figured that out sooner! We now each have our own tasks to do once a week, and have agreed to clean up mess in the kitchen as we make it. Hopefully this will work now, of course only time will tell. She is still planning on moving out early next year, and will give me notice as soon as she knows when, but as long as this plan works we are fine.

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