DIY and a naughty cat
With a pair of cats who favour the computer monitor as a camping ground, one must eventually pay mind to minimizing the amount of cat hair that is surely accruing inside said monitor. We had given consideration to a) buying or b) hitting up the cats grandmother for a suitably
breathable cover, but the other day the thought occurred that that an old canvas shopping bag, the other favourite feline nesting site, would probably do the trick. Out came the scissors and off came one side and the handles - a perfect fit! Next came the dilemma of how to secure it. Chris got out the fishing wire and with a bit of experimentation, and lots of investigation and interruption by said felines, managed to tie the cover down in such a way that the girls would be hard put to dislodge it.
On a completely different but still cat related note, miss Sumi, shown here doing her bit to support Daffodil Day, is very much in the poop with her nanna. I
borrowed the earlier Harry Potter books off mum to refresh my memory, and on the first night Sumi decided to chew on one of them. Sumi used to commit atrocities like this on a regular basis, and I had hoped she had grown out of that particular habit. Mum, being about as fastidious about her books as it is possible to be, was less than impressed.
she looks suitably contrite so tell her she's forgiven so long as it doesn't happen again
oh and just watch that bag. As far as I know they're synthetic so if it gets too hot it might melt / catch fire. You might need to do some experiments.
I'm trying to think what I might have that would let the puter breathe and still be natural fibre for the fire safety angle. Hmm. Have to ponder that one.
How about a loosely crocheted woollen cover?
that would probably attract and guide more cat fur into the computer then it repelled. I'm sure the computer won't heat up enough to set the bag on fire.
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