Thursday, August 09, 2007

How to be a good helper

A good cat knows how to lend a paw when her people decide to rearrange the furniture. Humans need to take regular breaks, or else they may be too tired to pay us the attention we deserve. Because we love them it can be hard to accept it, but it must be acknowledged that humans are not the brightest creatures, and will often forget to take breaks if they are not subtly prompted to do so. This can be done by placing oneself behind or underneath the furniture as it is being moved into position, forcing a break and guaranteed attention as you are moved from what they perceive as being a hazardous position. An even better effect can be achieved by getting onto or into the furniture in question. This results in a longer break, as your humans will naturally feel the need to photograph and generally make a fuss over your cuteness, which despite regular exposure they continue to be amazed by. This method works really well in the case of an emptied bookcase, as demonstrated here, as it is not a position you usually have access to, and therefore has an added novelty factor.

Naturally if you do your job well, your housemates may become jealous of the attention that you will inevitably receive. They may attempt imitate you. Although you may be put out by this, and are entitled to let the offender know, try to take it as a compliment. Your people will be impressed by your ability to share the limelight
- Sumi


catsmum said...

It's good to know that my grandkittens are so helpful and considerate. Also damn cute :]

crazyhaberdasher said...

How very well-spoken and knowledgeable you are Sumi. I am impressed!

Anonymous said...

You should have Sumi try to get behind the bookcase to help push it across the floor... it was hilarious

Anonymous said...

Should have *seen* Sumi...