Monday, November 13, 2006

After Effects

Exersize really isn't good for you, you know.

I'm sitting here with an uncomfortable tight feeling thru my belly and stiff shoulders, which I've decided is a delayed reaction to the fact that I actually made it to the gym on Saturday for a one hour class. Body Balance is a mixture of tai chi, yoga and pilates. Sounds nice and relaxing yes? HA! it is actually a great deal more demanding then a straight yoga or pilates class. Low impact yes, slow and controlled yes, but very demanding, expecially if you push yourself, and if you havn't been for a while, you know about it. The class is set to music, with a different track for working different parts of the body. Some parts I find very comfortable, even verging on too easy, like those involving flexibility (I can quite literally bend over backwards for someone), others, like the stomach track, are murder.

Balance is my favorite class, although I am having trouble getting back into it. Prehaps thats because the atmosphere is so different to what I was used to at my old gym. The room there was much more appropriate. It was carpeted, and as zen as a group exersize room can be. It was designed specifically for the balance, yoga and pilates classes, with a separate room for the aerobics style classes. The room at my current gym is a general-purpose group exersize room, it's bigger, with wooden floors and harsher lighting, which you notice during the relaxation track at the end. Also I liked my old instructors style. Plus there is the difference between going with my mum, complete with a stop off at the cafe afterwards with whoever saw fit to join us, compared with going on my own.

Whinge and aches and pains aside, I am going to another class tonight, body combat this time, which is a martial arts style non-contact aerobics class, with lots of jabs, hooks, punches, kicks, etc. I will probably be very stiff tomorrow, but if I don't stick with it, my body won't adjust. I still havn't bin to the gym for a standard solo workout yet, really should try to get into it. I had a schedule all worked out when I signed up, and then started going out with Chris and my plans all went out the window.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! 2 posts in one day.. we are indeed blessed. And I have a name now! Its so exciting, I might go back to bed. Have fun at work. Haha - oh, I have to work tonight.

catsmum said...

Body Combat when you're already stiff. ARE YOU INSANE?
Mind you, this is from the woman who is doing a 4 hr tap class tomorrow night, followed by belldance on wednesday morning.

catsmum said...

and of course I meant to write bellydance in that last post!

Nadie said...

Oh but belldance sounded so interesting! Didn't end up going to combat, decided high impact with a sore tummy would be bad.