Friday, November 03, 2006


Something very strange is going on. Its Friday, and I have no plans for the weekend. I know, I know. How could this happen? Ok. Breath. Focus. Its ok, you've had empty weekends fill up at the last second before. Who makes plans anymore anyway? Plans are over-rated. The best fun to be had is the spontaneous sort, but that still requires getting people together, not much use if most of the guys are otherwise occupied. I guess I can persuade someone to go to the movies or something. Yeah. Movies. Movies are good. Not quite as entertaining as getting a group together for general shenanigans around the fire bin, or spontaneous moonlight skinny dipping (whats a little hypothermia amongst friends?), Ah well. Will have to check out whats on, see if anyones free. If all else fails, I should really go see my nonna anyway, and go to the gym. Exciting stuff, and of course there will be time spent with the boy, when he's not working. No actual plans, but its a start I guess. He's sitting his last exam at the moment, will have to do something to celebrate, but what? Bah, who can think about such things in the morning?

I think I'll go make scones.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. you can start the weekend celebrations by bringing me some scones =D

Nadie said...

taken care of :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm mm mmm mmmm mm.