Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It's A Conspiracy, People!

We have a Cadbury's fundraiser box at work at the moment, and I've come to the conclusion that the chocolate is emitting subliminal messages to make people buy it. I don't know whether it's something in the packaging, or the box, or even in the chocolate itself (well, really, who knows whats in all that processed stuff?) but it's happening. Seriously, its an evil conspiracy. I'm allergic to chocolate yet I still had to have some, something in that box completely sapped my willpower and told me to just give in. It's not just me either, everyone says they shouldn't have any, or that their favourite isnt there, yet the box is already half empty and they only arrived yesterday afternoon! Even as I type this I can feel something emanating from the box behind me, I swear! its like when you can feel someone looking at you. It's trying to convince me that one more couldn't hurt... but I know better. Try your evil mind control somewhere else, Cadbury! I'm on to you.

Seriously that stuff is gonna bug me all night, and I can't even make scones instead cos there's no pumpkin. Chocolate is much easier to resist when you have something else to munch on.


catsmum said...

it's pheromones... chocolate emits the same sort of pheromones that I can sense in yarn and/or fabric stores.

catsmum said...

btw I need those wedding photos asap so I can blog about how scrumptious we ... ok you... looked :]

Anonymous said...

Agreed.. lets all see those wonderful photos of our wonderful girl looking wond-... umm, gorgeous.