Friday, November 03, 2006

Hooray for the wet stuff!

We had rain yesterday. Actual rain, not that drizzle that evaporates before any good is done and doesn't achieve anything besides making the weather just dreary enough to keep you indoors, or those quick downpours that just wash everything away before the sun comes out a minute later (do they get those anywhere else?). Mum got rain up in Castlemaine too so sounds like there was decent coverage. Hopefully some got to the catchment areas, though I wouldn't count on it. Honestly Melbourne should be relocated to the catchment areas and new catchments set up aound the centre of the city, that would solve the water crisis, and leave us to enjoy the sun.

1 comment:

catsmum said...

wet stuff is goooooood... the dam came up a whole INCH... whooppee.